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Student Certificates
Leaders Board
Courses Exams Student Certificates Leaders Board

ES6 JavaScript

This course delves into ES6 (ECMAScript 2015), the significant update to JavaScript that introduced many new features and syntax improvements to the language. It is designed for individuals with a basic understanding of JavaScript, aiming to enhance their skills with modern JavaScript development techniques. Topics covered include let and const, arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, default parameters, promises, classes, and modules. Through practical examples and coding exercises, students will learn how to write more concise, maintainable, and efficient JavaScript code using ES6 features. By the end of the course, participants will be proficient in modern JavaScript, and ready to develop more complex and high-quality web applications.

Module 1: Introduction to ES6

Module 2: Let and Const

Module 3: Arrow Functions

Module 4: Template Literals

Module 5: Destructuring

Module 6: Default, Rest, and Spread

Module 7: Enhanced Object Literals

Module 8: Promises and Async Programming

Module 9: Modules

Building a Small ES6 Project - Restaurant and Recipe Website


No quizzes available for this course.